
Monday, 1 January 2018

Activity 2: What’s in a Name?

Popular names

At my school no one has the names that were on the lists.
Some popular names at my school are...

Girls: Jess, Sienna (I have 3 Sienna's just in my class)

Boys: Kyle, Jack, Sam

Charlie is a popular name. We have some girls and some boys called Charlie and the girls are spelt Charlee.

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Tanner,

    My name is Jordan and I'm the Kootuitui (Papakura, South Auckland) cluster manager. I also have the absolute pleasure of being able to blog with you!

    Thanks for completing the activity "What's in a Name"; I'm surprised to see that the names of the kids at your school are still quite modern! I have twin nephews who have bizarre names; their names are Stunnah and Vypah.
    I guess it really depends on circumstance as to how people are named!
    I like that there are both boys and girls named Charlie/lee— that's what is known as "androgynous" meaning that it's common to both men and women.
    My name is also androgynous!
    If you were to have children, what do you think you would name them?

    Keep up the great blogging Tanner; I look forward to reading many more of your posts!


