
Friday 26 January 2018

The flying car

Activity 2: Flying Cars

If I had to pick a car I would pick this flying car because it can fly and it is my favourite colour.
If I had this flying car it could take me anywhere.

flying car (2).jpg

Friday 19 January 2018

My birthday cake

Hi Dani, 

This is my 7th birthday cake. It was delicious. It had caramel and white chocolate. 


Activity 2: Country Calender

The most challenging thing for a farmer is driving a tractor.
When I grow up I would like to be a farmer because tractors are cool and they get really muddy.
and also farmers feed cows and I like cows.

Did you know my Great Grandad Jack did an episode on Country Calender?

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Auckland fun


Last week I went to Auckland with my Aunty Hayley and Nana Candy and Aunty Di. They took me to Rainbows End. I was tall enough to go on the roller coaster. I was so excited. Me and Aunty Di went on it. It was really really exciting and I wasn't that scared. 


Tuesday 16 January 2018

Celebrating special events

Week 4: Day 1: Turn of the Century (2000-2010)

How do we celebrate special events.

In my family when we have our birthday we get to choose what we want to do and what cake we get.

For my 8th birthday in November I want to go camping and have a cookies and cream cheesecake.

Friday 5 January 2018

Auckland Holiday

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow morning I am going away to Auckland with my Nana for a week so I won't be able to post on my blog. I have had lots of fun learning new things about New Zealand. I hope I can keep posting when I get back from Auckland.

From Tanner

Bonus activity - Snail mail - Post Card


This is my post card. My Mum helped me use google draw because it was quite hard for me. In my drawing there is a mountain in the middle and water on each side and one side I drew a snapper. I did a person with a fishing rod trying to catch it and there are two trees. 

Monday 1 January 2018

Activity 2: What’s in a Name?

Popular names

At my school no one has the names that were on the lists.
Some popular names at my school are...

Girls: Jess, Sienna (I have 3 Sienna's just in my class)

Boys: Kyle, Jack, Sam

Charlie is a popular name. We have some girls and some boys called Charlie and the girls are spelt Charlee.

In Flanders Fields

Bonus activity - In Flanders Fields

I really liked this poem but I had to ask my Mum to help me with some words like poppies because I didn't know what they were. When Mum told me about ANZACs and soldiers this poem made me feel sad.
